Our Love Story

SO that's Brandon, The Love of my life......
We met through a mutual friend ( Thanks Dena & Tomaul) . I can only say thank you after the fact because I LOATHED him the day I met him, I thought he was the most arrogant human being that I had ever even encountered.
We met a few months later under different circumstances ( I didn't remember that this was the arrogant jerk man I had met months prior.I always thought Brandon had looked familiar just couldn't put my finger on it.)
( Side note: Our first official date was joined by his friend CJ ( Now Aria's God Father,whom I love) AWKWARD, almost ruined it!)
I didn't find out until a few months into our relationship that he was the "arrogant man" that one evening until Dena, had mentioned how shocked she was that we were working out. After bringing this to his attention, he confessed that he knew this from day one. I was mad at first but quickly got over it. 
FAST FORWARD ..................................................
The love of my life Proposed, BUT he couldn't propose the way most men plan on proposing. You see, I am a planner and an over thinker. I mean I am the girl who will over think , about over thinking. Every romantic dinner, special outing, nuggets game, I would ruin it and say  you're not proposing are you?" SO even if he were, I just ruin it. Brandon Proposed to me in the middle of the jewelry store. The only time I wouldn't expect him to propose and it was absolutely perfect!
Our Wedding



We started the Journey to Start our Family...

And then our Princess was Born!
Wedding Photos Credit to Marina Lower


  1. Ha! You should go read about me and my husband. I wasn't too fond of him either when we first met and totally used the word arrogant as a description. ...sooooo glad we were wrong, huh? :-)


    1. Haha! Soooo glad we were wrong! How beautiful . Thanks for stopping by! I look forward to getting to know ya!

  2. Hi Alex, just found your site via a giveaway I think I've entered so many I'm forgetting now LOL.

    Anywhoo love this story and I'm an over thinker too. I haven't experienced this in the marriage department yet but oh boy does it become interesting when noticing God is doing something in my life and trying to figure out what or when.....yeah I'm constantly asking Him not to hold that against me and He still amazes me in spite of!:)
