Wednesday, February 6, 2013

As Aria's Momma, I ......{As A Mom, I... Link up }

This post is called As a mom, I...  because I am a mom. I know... WHAT?! It applies to dads too!!!

Hey lovelies!

Being a new mom, I am amazed by all of the little things my munchkin does, whether she's standing, crawling , sneezing  or coughing.
Stumbled on this new link up by the fab Samantha of Hooah & Hiccups! 
This  NEW link-up. Gives me the opputunity to brag! ( AGAIN!) Melissa (from After We Tied The Knott) and Samantha  are hosting this fab Link up! !

I love my munchkins laugh, absoultely love it! She get's so tickled she falls over!
Please indulge in the all of the awesomeness of Aria's laugh!
( Sorry it's sideways :) )