Thursday, January 31, 2013

Baby Girls Room Tour!

Hello Lovely People!
It is time to tour one special room in my home... The princess's room.
I don't claim to be an interior decorator but I do think I have an eye for what goes well together.

I cannot remimber for the life of where we found the tree decal but I know it was on etsy.
Hubby and I Argued while I was 7 months pregnant and big as a house during the installation of this decal. For as long as we stay in this house, this little girl has no choice but to love these freaking butterflies.  :)  

Aria has a bow in her hair at all times. Excessive. I know. Call it what you want, but I made a "Bow Holder" out of an old frame and some ribbon I had laying around. I need to make a bigger one, so there will be a DIJ coming soon!

A picture of my mom when she was a little girl was a staple!

Hope you enjoyed the tour!

Monday, January 28, 2013

We Are...



  1. Strong and barely controllable emotion.
  2. A state or outburst of such emotion.

rage - ardour - ardor - anger - love

Acts 2:41-47

"Then they that gladly received his word were baptized: and the same day there were added unto them about 3000 souls. And they continued stedfastly in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers. And fear came upon every soul: and many wonders and signs were done by the apostles. And all that believed were together, and had all things common; And sold their possessions and goods, and parted them to all men, as every man had need. And they, continung daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart, Praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved."
I recently watched an incredible documentary about Elevation Church in Charlotte, North Carolina. What an AWESOME story and so inspiring. Talk about trying to spread the love of Jesus Christ to all, or carrying out a vision God has given to you , or something just as simple as being the light, the light of the world and spreading the love of Jesus to all that you come in contact with.
Are YOU carrying  out the vision or assignment God has given you?

Are YOU winning souls?

Are YOU passionate as the early church was about serving God?

Be the light....

Matthew 5:14-16

 “You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house.  In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.

It's that time again!

This week we are celebratingthe birthday of  Samantha over at Hooah & Hiccups by doing a fab giveaway!

I've teamed up with 28 other amazing girls to bring you one of our favorite things.
 photo birthdaycollage_zps3570f226.jpg

If there's one thing I CAN'T live without, it's my Keurig. Ask my husband, if I don't have my coffee in the morning, it's not pretty. So now one of YOU will be winning one! 

I haven't tried the new Starbucks Verismo but if you would like to choose that instead, your wish is my command.

Not only can you drink coffee with these babies, but you can drink tea, hot chocolate, etc. So even if you're not a coffee junkie, there's something for everyone!

Still not interested? How about winning the CASH instead? Excited now?!

Just enter the rafflecopter below and cross your fingers! Contest will remain open until Friday, February 1st at 12:00 a.m. EST and the winner will be announced once all entries are verified. 

Good luck! 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Saturday, January 26, 2013

My Wedding Bliss!

Since my blog is in it's infancy, and everyone is still getting to know me, i wanted to share one of the happiest days of my life!
The day I married my awesome Hubby!
My Wedding day was truly magical!
One of my Favorite Moments!
Cousins are like built in best Friends!
Simplicity is beautiful
Photo Credit to Marina Lower of Creative Photography

Monday, January 21, 2013

That's an expensive Brave face!

I have a wonderful marriage and a wonderful life, but who is to say I dont have my moments. My moments where I get unsure.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Bad Habits & A Giveaway!

This week, I am guest blogging for Heather at Lawless Life on her lovely space on the I-net! Thanks so much for having me Heather! And  I'm giving away a SEPHORA GIFT GARD! !  ( enter after the post! Now Sit down , relax, grab some sweet tea and stay awhile! Let's Chat about...

Bad Habits.....Come on we all have the! You know nail biting, leaving drawers open, and what my husband is infamous for, taking out the trash but not putting a new trash bag in the trash can ( I'm not bitter at all :) )

My bad habit is being too controling, I am a pshychotic about control. I have that " It wont get done unless, I do it myself "attitude, I prefer not to delegate because I find satisfaction in doing it all and knowing it is done correctly and they way I would likfe it to be done.

Now in reality and in "my over thinking about overthinging" mind this is perfectly normal. Reality then decides to backhand me in the face( baby poweder and all) . It isn't possible for me to do everything. I really struggle & have a hard time delegating. When the house isnt clean, laundry isnt done, food isn't on the table, diaper bag isnt packed, bills paid ,car washed It falls on me , simply beause I cant let my AMAZING husband step in. ( I mean he does it anyway) , but it's typically not done the way I would like it to be done , which isnt a problem is you arent me.

This "control habit" I have is bad, seriously. Sometimes, I even tell my mother how to take care of my child, I mean I think it's okay to be particular about certain things. BUT Geez , I need to CHILL, she did raise 3 kids. We came out Normal ...well for the most part :)

Instead of being appreciative like normals wives or daughters , I re-do or critisize what he or she has done, and tell myself that I should have done it  to begin with.

I am so thankful to have a husband by my side who is a God Fearing,Kind hearted, Strong man  who doesnt mind doing Laundy ( even though he can't fold to save his life- Love You Honey)  or waking up in the middle of the night when Aria thinks it's playtime , so I can get some more rest.

My challenge is to let go a little bit, delegate better so I can be a better mom & wife!

Oh Goodness Pray for me ya'll!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Monday, January 14, 2013

Guest Post:Trouble with Friends!

Hello Lovely Readers!
 Jody, thanks so much for letting me share this!

I have been stalking reading this wonderful blog, Keeping up with Kennedy, I have loved getting to know Jody through her heartfelt yet quirky post! She also has an adorable little munchkin named Kennedy!

The subject of friendship , is a post( life issue)  I  have been struggling with, it's been in my drafts for about a week now. This piece is honest and transparent.... here it is!

Every once in awhile I like to get a little serious on here. And well today is one of those times.

I actually have been wanting to write this post for awhile now but just never really knew what to write. I have a bunch of thoughts that go through my head but it is all kind of jumbled together and wouldn't make sense typed out. With that I am going to try to do my best.

The trouble with friends.
{now that is a loaded title}

I have many great friends in my life. And they all mean so much to me. But sometimes, just sometimes I feel like select ones could care or less about maintaining a friendship with me yet I somehow feel guilty about it.

I never go out anymore. I'm sorry. I have a family, and more specifically a 2 year old that doesn't care how late I was out or how I feel in the morning, she is going to go about her day the same. I'd prefer not to feel like crap the entire next day. Also? I don't enjoy going out and getting drunk every weekend. I am not saying I never drink anymore, but it is usually some wine, or a night out here and there. In my opinion taking care of my family and getting stuff done around the house that needs to is my priority. People count on me to get that stuff done. But because of that, I have "changed." Well you're damn right I changed. That is part of life, part of growing up and having a child.

Then, there are the people that just completely cut you out of their life because they have a new boyfriend or new friends. People that you thought of as some of your closest friends. People that you included in very special times in your life and now you never see them anymore. People that you always thought would be there. They never call. They never ask you to hang out. They never check in to see how you are. I feel like I have to hunt them down just to get a conversation out of them and when I do, they just brush off making plans to hang out. That my friends, breaks a girl's heart.

Also, there are the friends that you feel only come to you when something bad happens to them. That they only want your opinion or want to fill in a gap when other plans fall through. Or when they are having a hard time with their significant other. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE being there for support for my friends. I take pride in knowing that they value my opinion enough to ask for it. But what really gets me are the ones that come to me, really just to hear someone talk. They aren't really listening. They aren't really taking anything into consideration. So why do I waste my time trying to help them when I know they aren't going to listen to a thing I say? They are still going to be mad at someone else, or they are still going to get back with that scumbag. And after they get some advice or are feeling a little better? They are gone. Just like that. I go weeks, sometimes months, without hearing a peep from them.

And lastly, there are the friends that are perfectly fine with whichever direction your friendship goes. It's really up to you because you are the one that has to put in all of the effort to keep in touch. I get it people are busy and have lives, jobs, children, families. Hello, welcome to my life.. But friendships should come easy. They should be comfortable and filled with respect, admiration and loyalty. You should be able to go through those busy times and not get to talk as much and still feel as close as ever when you do get back in touch. They should be understanding to circumstances, like you are. They should just get it. Not hold grudges or not make you feel guilty about not trying hard enough.

It is just so frustrating. That is the trouble with friends. There are so many friendships out there but really what are the ones worth keeping?? How do you decide to walk away from someone? To give up on that "friendship?" When is enough, just that?

Don't get me wrong, I do have friends that are awesome. Ones that I am super close with. That get me. That are just as invested in our friendship as I am. We are all busy, but that's ok. I love those friends. I appreciate those friends. But I am having a hard time convincing myself to hold onto the ones that bring negativity into my life. That bring stress and an overabundance of effort on my part when it really doesn't make a difference. I hate to give up on people. I believe the best in everyone. {Well except Nanny Carrie from OTH. She was a crazy bitch.}

I need to cut that out of my life. I need to accept that if my friendship isn't important to them, then I can't force it to be. I can't get back to where we used to be. I am only one side of the relationship and I can only do so much. I can't care for the both of us. And sadly at the end of the day it is what it is.

My life has changed. Theirs may not have or it did but went a different direction. And that is ok. I just need to appreciate the people in my life. I need to let it go and move forward.

With or without them in it.  
Go Visit Jody, in her lovely space on the internet!
I made it easy for ya! Click the Button Below!


I belong to an incredible church home, where there message being delivered has so much substance! I'm Talkin', Steak Dinners and not the "corn flake" basic teaching. Yesterday's teaching was on the breath of God, Holy Ghost, Holy Spirit . The biggest thing that stood out to me is the The Holy Spirit is the comfort when you need it! The comfort you need in the time of loss, the comfort when you feel depressed AND COMFORT WHEN YOU ARE BEING STRETCHED!
 I know all of this is a growing process. My Pastor said something so simple and profound to me.
"God is constantly maturing you , he's the course and the source."
The spirit of God guides you through processes in life ,and maturity most certainly isn't a project. There are days where I want to through in the towel , as I grow & mature those days are few and far between. Growing up in the church, I've seen how a christian is suppose to "act", as I have matured enough through the years to understand that I'm not a museum , I am a construction site.I'll always be growing, changing, evolving and maturing. In order to mature you have to stay connected to your source. Stay connected to God in order to grow. Because you can quote scripture doesn't make you mature , you have a good memory . It's the Holy Spirit matures me and that makes me a better, mother , wife. It's not just the spirit in me he deals with . He deals with me !


Saturday, January 12, 2013

Oh for the love of Mascara!

Mascara for me, is the one thing that completes your make-up application. For ME... I feel that my eyes are lost in face without mascara so mascara for me is always A MUST! I was on facebook the other day and saw the most accurate description of the feeling you get when you buy new mascara!        

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Liebster Award Nomination

Liebster Award Nomination

Thank you so much to Lauren @ Simply Free for my very first  nomination for the Liebster Award! Being a new blogger , This has made me so excited!
The Rules

1. List 11 facts about yourself.
2. Answer the 11 questions given to you.
3. Create 11 new questions for the bloggers you nominate for the award.
4. Choose 11 bloggers with 200 or less followers to nominate.
5. Go to each bloggers page and let them know about the award.
6. Thank the person who nominated you and link back to their blog :)

11 {new!} Random Things About Me
  • I can drink coffee at any time of the day
  • I can never say no to a slice of Papa John’s pizza, yumm.
  • Love Cheese ( especially with wine)
  • I prefer an actual book over an “e-book” (something about actually holding the book and turning the pages)
  • Things that sparkle and shimmer make me happy
  • Sweet Tea and a good book make me happy
  • I am passionate about changing lives and making an impact on the youth .
  • I believe my faith can move mountains
  • I change my hair color when I am itching for change
  • I LOVE white T-Shits.
  • My goal is to follow after the heart of my King as best I can!

Questions from Lovely Lauren
1. If you could travel to any country, where would it be?
2. If you had to pick one cause/movement to support, what would it be?
Decisions for Christ
3. What is the next book on your reading list?
The murderers Daughters ( Thanks Brittany)
4. What movie do you want to see in the theater currently?
Les Miserables
5. What’s your favorite outdoor activity?
Shopping doesn’t count does it….um..Going on walks with my Husband and Princess
6. What is your favorite “big” blog? {200+ followers}
7. What song do you have on repeat these days?
"Catch my breath” –Kelly Clarkson
8. What’s your favorite meal/recipe?
Mom’s Mac & Cheese ( She puts smoked Gouda in it, yum!)
9. What’s your favorite dessert?
Homemade banana pudding
10. What is your favorite TV show currently?

 Questions for my Nominees
1. Do you stay up late to write blog posts?
2. How many children do you have? or how many children do  you want?
3. Does your family know about your blog? or is it a "secret"?
4. Which one do you prefer: flats or heels? Why?
5. Favorite Genre of Music
6. Favorite Music Artist
7. Most inspiring blog that you subscribe to
8. Favorite Love Story
9. Favorite Brand of Coffee
10. Why did you Start blogging?
11. Favorite Store?

Monday, January 7, 2013

Blessed to be a Blessing!

I am part of an amazing church home . For 2013 our Pastor made some declarations for the year. One of the three things we declared, stated that 2013 was the year of sowing.

When you sow seed you reap a great harvest.

A couple years ago my husband and were challenged in our giving. We tithed most of the time or when we " could afford it" or if we had extra ".

I always knew the first 10% was his ( God's), and how should I attempt to rob God. (Malachi 3:8)

We started being consistent in our giving and we never lacked! The tithe sustains.

 As we began to mature spiritually , we understood the importance of the offering and sowing.
Now, our tithes is the first check that I write.

Hubs and I sow into our church home and are now sowing into the lives of strangers.

On one of my many random shopping trips to Target. Targett has got to be one of my favorite places in this world. I go in target for toilet paper and walk out with sippy cups, onesies for Aria, white chocolate chips and bobs.

I seriously may be addicted to Target. Don't Judge me :)

I came across a woman with a set of twins and a a daughter maybe 4 or 6 years old . I asked her opinion on what sippy cups she used for her munchkins. I was having this a huge dilemma in the check out Line over Tommy Tippee or Nuby.  She was so kind, and guided my husband and I to the best decision for our munchkin.

After we paid for our items I ran over and swiped my card for her purchase .

Tears welled in her eyes as she said what a blessing it was to her.

It's a blessing to be a blessing. I Thank God , That I am in a position where I can sow into a stranger's life.

I challenge my self and challenge all of you to bless a stranger once a week. Whether its a Starbucks, Wally World ( Walmart) or even Target .

Run over and pay for someones purchase or pay for the car behind you when you go through the drive through

It's a blessing to be a blessing to someone else !

I want to hear about it!! Send me your stories to sweettealovegrace (at) gmail(dot) com

Later Lovelies,

Wii U Giveaway!!!!!

I have teamed up for an amazing giveaway with Kaitlyn from Wifessionals
(and some pretty awesome ladies pictured below)
We're giving away a Wii U!!!!!!!

Nope, no trick here.

I'm for reals - This is a giveaway for a Wii U.

Was the Wii U on your Christmas list and you just didn't get it?
Do you want to get fit for the new year in the comfort of your own home?
Maybe you just like intense super mario matches against your significant other...

Whatever the case is, you can have the Wii U in the picture above for free (:
I'm teaming up with these lovely ladies to bring you this amazing giveaway:
1// Kaitlyn  2// Marquis  3// Ashley  4// Samantha  5// Ashley
6// Nilda  7// Kaitlin  8// Janna  9// Clara  10// Alexandria
11// Stephanie  12// tookies  13// Casey  14// Kristin  15// Melissa
16// Hallie  17// Alli  18// Gayle  19// Brandi  20// Brittany
All you gotta do is use the Rafflecopter below to your heart's delight.
This giveaway will run from 8:00am (EST), Monday, January 7  -  11:59pm (EST), Thursday, January 10.

1// Giveaway is open to US RESIDENTS only

2// Winner will be notified via email on Friday 1/11/13. You will have 48 hours from the timestamp on the email to respond, or a new winner will be chosen.
3// WINNER WILL BE VERIFIED. If you claim to have done a task you did not - a new winner will be chosen!!!

4// View the Terms & Conditions listed on the Rafflecopter below
Now why don't you enter and win yourself a Wii U (:

Friday, January 4, 2013


Hello There!
 I have to start this post with a song! I wish I could walk around with music playing. I always find music to match my mood, situation or life moment. I am that crazy chick who hears music in her head walking into a room of dead silence.
 I am not actually sure if I could operate without music. Well, I am sure I could, but not as productive.  I clean with music, work out to music, blog to music, work to music, drive with music (Blasted, well if my princess isn’t in the car).  So without further delay , the soundtrack for this post is……

Now that today’s song has set the tone of this post, I can beginJ
My first few posts will really be a glimpse of who I am, as you get to me!
 I must say that, I'm trying to be a real blogger with real life things going on. I am me and I embrace me" and the “me” I want to be.
“Me” is my word for the year...” Me” involves me being the best me I could possibly be.
The best mom, wife , sister, friend  & woman.
  Before anyone goes off of the deep end, and thinks I am being selfish because I have a husband and daughter.  I am stopping you now because I Love my Husband & Daughter with every single fiber of my being. Because I chose to make “me “ a  priority in this year ( I am sure, every other year too)  it doesn't make me any less of a mother.
In fact, I believe it makes me an honest mother & wife and a better mother & Wife.
Heck, A better daughter, friend, sister, blogger too!
Being a new mom, I am trying to find balance and apart of this is making ME a priority again.
Focusing on Me is feeding my urge to write again. I want to share my experiences with other women. Exchange life experiences with other wives and mommas!

I want to share The Good. The Bad. The Ugly. The Joy. The Smiles. The Tears and The Fears.
I am Blessed Beyond My wildest Dreams!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year Everyone!
 I don't want to call them new years resolutions but New Years Promises to myself!

I Promise to continue to be the best wife and mother I can be!  I Promise to make healthy lifestyle choices and get into the best shape for me! I promise to "water the grass" where I am at in life." Life is always greener where you water it "

I promise to shop and be more crafty. I promise to approach life and the situations life brings with Love & Grace.

I Promise to be me!

What do you Promise yourself for 2013?